Dried black mushrooms

The study of modern pharmacology discovered that black fungus contains many nutrients including protid, lipid, glucid, fiber, b-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, and P, Ca, Fe ... In it, The protid is equivalent to meat, Fe is 10 times higher than meat, Cocoa is 20 times higher than meat, Vitamin B2 is 10 times higher than vegetables.
The pharmacological effect of black fungus on the body is very broad, inductive have 7 points below:
Effects on the blood system: anticoagulant effect; Anti-platelet effect, antithrombotic effect; White blood cell effect
Has the function of regulating immunity, promoting the formation of nucleic acids and protid.
Has the effect of reducing visible fat and preventing atherosclerosis.
Has certain effects against radiation, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer.
Has the function of postponing aging, increasing longevity.
Has a clear effect on blood pressure.
Has anti-cancer effect, anti-mutant.
Black fungus is also used when hemorrhage menstrual bleeding a lot, blepharitis does not hold, color freshness, heart thirst thirst, less yellow urine, as well as hemorrhoids, gingiva, hallucinogenic. With black cat mushrooms 30g, white sugar 15g, mushrooms black mushrooms fragrant with a small fire, add water about 350ml, after noodles white sugar, eat at your discretion.
Fungus black cat 30g, apple 20 fruit, black sugar 50g, add cooked water wedge black sugar, eat at your discretion. There is a blood-nourishment. Used to protect the menstrual health of women.
If the blood poisoning apple intestinal, defecation pass: black cat mushroom 30g, sea cucumber 30g, pheom 200g. Phoi washed, cut pieces, black mushrooms, ginseng sea cucumber cooked, after seasoning seasoning use.

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